Technology and Writing

Technology and Writing

How has technology changed your job?


Technology has done a lot of good for me especially when it deals with research writing. Things I have no clue about, I just go online and search for them, and I get quick responses.

Just by consistently using AI technologies, I’ve learnt how to type the right prompts into them, and I’ll get the appropriate responses. Creative writing has also been made easy. I no longer have to deal with writer’s block.

I could just type an idea into one of those technologies and it would develop the story for me. I can even ask it to give me story ideas that I can write about.

It’s changed my job in diverse positive ways apart from the ones I’ve listed above. People are beginning to say that AI is capable of taking the job of a writer. I don’t believe that’s true.

As a human being, there are creative ways to do this, and AI doesn’t have that. It gets it’s creativity from what other humans have written. You might have even notice that it tends to reuse certain words over and over again. That’s where your own humanity should come in.

You can use it to your own advantage by including relevant prompts that will make it sound unique to you. AI seems to be perfect, no human being is. Let your imperfections be reflected in the things you write.

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